J4MB party membership

When J4MB was launched in February 2013, we had no basis for forecasting how well, if at all, we would be received by the general public. At that time, the prevailing public conviction was that feminists pursue gender equality, in stark contrast to what is demonstrably true.

Only a small minority of women are feminists. Feminists seek extended gender privileges, regardless of the impact on men, women, boys, girls, nuclear families, public institutions, and wider society. They are driven by misandry (the hatred of men). If anyone should doubt the truth of these assertions, we invite them to read our 2015 general election manifesto. It explores 20 areas where the human rights of men and/or boys are assaulted by the actions and inactions of the state, usually to advantage women and/or girls. There are no areas in which the state assaults the human rights of women and/or girls specifically.

The 20 areas are as follows. In three areas the human rights of females, too, are assaulted, and they are shown in bold text:


Foetal alcohol syndrome

Genital mutilation

Fatherlessness, restoring strong families



Access to children after family breakdowns

Domestic violence

Sexual abuse

Armed Forces veterans’ mental health issues



Criminal justice system

Paternity fraud

Anonymity for suspected sexual offenders


Healthcare provision

Political representation

State interference in director appointments

Expectation of retirement years

There are no areas in which the state assaults the human rights of women and/or girls specifically.

The assaults on men and boys are often led or enabled by feminists in influential positions e.g. Theresa May MP (Prime Minister), Justine Greening MP (Education Secretary, Minister for Women and Equalities), Alison Saunders (Director of Public Prosecutions). Most of the assaults, however, are led by men with no concern for the wellbeing of men and boys as a class.

J4MB remains the only political party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. We are reliant on donors to cover the party’s costs, and nobody connected with the party draws any personal income from donations.

Supporters (including donors) tell us we can be proud of what we’ve achieved in two years. Donors have sent sums ranging from £1 to £2,000. We’ve had over 100 appearances on mainstream television and radio – here. Countless newspaper, magazine, and blog pieces have been written about us. The tone of the reporting has usually been challenging and often antagonistic, which we expected, but we have also been surprised by the interest we have triggered in some of the most unlikely people, and we can be sure that we have broken the blanket belief that men’s and boys’ issues are either non-existent, or unimportant. The comments streams following online articles have been very supportive of J4MB and what we’re seeking to achieve.

Our long-term strategy is to challenge the party in power (or parties, in the event of a coalition) because only they have the power to reverse anti-male legislation and policy directions.

In coalition with the Liberal Democrats from 2010, and in sole power from 2015, the Conservatives have been no less anti-male than the Labour party, in some areas going even further than the Labour administrations of 1997-2010.

We’re going to raise our game in a number of areas, which will require a stronger financial base. We wish to increase our membership base in order to meet increasing campaigning costs.

We invite you to become a party member. It’s the most efficient way to demonstrate your support of our work, reducing the need for the periodic appeals upon which we’ve largely relied in the past. It will also free up valuable time for political campaigning, which would otherwise be spent on fundraising activities.

We’ve established a range of membership grades, ranging from monthly sums of £5.00 (16 pence per day) to £100.00 (£3.28 per day):

Membership grade                  Monthly donation                   

Bronze                                                        £5.00

Silver                                                          £10.00

Gold                                                            £25.00

Platinum                                                    £50.00

Diamond                                                    £100.00

Members will receive a signed membership certificate, one of the A3 leaflets we were distributing during the 2015 general election – the window poster element is here – and four individually numbered silicone wristbands – two gentlemen’s size, two (slim) ladies’ (or children’s) size.

We’d prefer you set up a Standing Order payable directly into the J4MB account, thereby ensuring the full sum of your donations go to J4MB. Our account details:

Account name: Justice for Men & Boys 2020

Sort code: 309054

Account number: 54880968

IBAN: GB08LOYD30905454880968


Monthly donations can be set up through PayPal, although (small) commissions are taken from donations made that way:

If you want to put in place a regular donation of another amount, we would of course be deeply grateful.

Please email me mike@j4mb.org.uk with the membership grade you’ve settled on, the name you’d like printed on your membership certificate, and your address. Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,

Mike Buchanan